WTS-400 – Fully Automatic Hydraulic Turning Machine
WTS-400 – Fully Automatic Hydraulic Turning Machine, Specially designed for producing short turnings with high production rate.
WMD-110C – Drawer Front Panel Forming Machine
WMD-110C, Employs high precision servo motor combined with 3-axis controller for high speed, highprecision positioning control.
WDT-1200 – Horizontal Double End Boring Machine
WDT-1200, The fully automatic machine features automatic workpiece infeed, providing fast machining and high production capacity.
WMD-350 – Mortise Dovetail Tenoner
WMD-350 – Mortise Dovetail Tenoner, Interated with mortise cutting and slotting to improve production efficiency up to 100%
WMD-110 – Mortise Dovetail Tenoner
WMD-110 – Mortise Dovetail Tenoner, Interated with mortise cutting, slotting and drilling to improve production efficiency up to 300%
WMD-220 NC High Speed Tenoning Machine
Employs high precision servo motor combined with Mitsubishi 2-axis controller for high speed, high precision positioning control.
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