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System TT1650 – Wide Belt Sanders / Automatic Wide Belt Sanders

For Furniture and housing industries

System TT1650 - Wide Belt Sanders - Automatic Wide Belt Sanders
Working width (mm)
Min/max working thickness (with fixed table) (mm)
3 ÷ 200
Cross sanding belt length (mm)
Constant pass-line (mm)
System TT1650 - Wide Belt Sanders - Automatic Wide Belt Sanders 1

  • Maximum effectiveness when removing the dust generated by the abrasive belts, thanks to high efficiency cleaning and cooling systems with limited use of compressed air
  • Improved finish quality and a longer lifespan for the abrasive belts, thanks to the long belt (9,500 mm) that ensures better cooling and less clogging due to dust
  • Maximum work precision and sensitivity with the innovative PWM automatic differentiated pressure of the “EPICS” electronic sectioned slide block, that adapts perfectly to the surface to be smoothed

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