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The all-purpose solution for drilling and dowel insertion

The drilling and dowel insertion system that fits perfectly into your production process

Sprint Product
Machines in the SPRINT series are the characterized by precision manufacturing technology, convenient handling and high-end performance.
Wherever exact drilling patterns and consistent dowel insertion are needed, SPRINT machinery meets those demands flawlessly while raising the bar on reliability.

  • Optimized for just-in-time manufacturing
  • Flexible for all drill/dowel patterns
  • No downtime and minimal set-up time for program reconfiguration
  • Suitable for components with varying dimensions
  • Clean, maintenance-free gluing system (low maintenance)

Faster production processes and exact reproduction are an ideal combination to make perfectly precise dowel joints for products such as

  • Casegoods
  • Drawers
  • Cabinet and furniture frame parts
  • Solid wood rails, stiles, jambs and posts


You can rely on KOCH to answer all your needs with expertise, precision and passion. With KOCH as your partner, you are offered the full range of possibilities, where transparency and consistency are guaranteed. From our clearly structured range of products, we provide you with the perfect solution to match your requirements. Whether gearing up for a profi table launch, optimizing production to increase fl exibility or confi guring a unique system for maximum performance – no matter how you decide, each option is designed with the core competencies of the industry‘s leader and results in top quality. We call it the K-SYSTEM.
At its manufacturing facilities in Germany, KOCH produces cutting-edge technology for wood processing. Our product lines,
consulting expertise and services are available around the world at any time through our extensive network of branch offi ces and business partners.

Product lines to optimize productivity and success

Base.line >>  Effective planning. Efficient production.

  • Pure function and top quality combined in concentrated form
  • Convenient handling and reliable performance guaranteed
  • High-quality equipment at an attractive package price
Pro.line >> Fexibly featured. Designed for growth.

  • Enhanced functionality for targeted optimization
  • Boost in flexibility thanks to additional features
  • Select machines at an attractive package price
Select.line >>  Customizable configuration. Smart optimization.

  • Tailored confi guration to maximize performance
  • Utmost fl exibility through perfectly customized functionalities
  • Seamless integration into production processes

SPRINT base.line

All-round precision for top results

Pure function, top quality and consistent high performance are combined into one in the basic version of our SPRINT drilling and dowel insertion machine. Its sophisticated, internationally proven technology guarantees high-quality results – consistently over long periods – and reproducible accuracy thanks to perfect precision.
Sprint Base line
Overview of base.line features

  • Four working fields
  • Frame widths 1,300 mm
  • Horizontal drilling station with one drilling spindle
  • Glue injecting and dowel insertion station
  • KOCH WOP – Parametric Programming
  • Three manually adjustable stops (center and side fences)
  • Premium Remote Support – Service via internet
  • Central lubrication system

Optional features

  • Optional frame widths 1,800 / 2,500 mm
  • Vertical drilling station from above with one drilling spindle
  • ELC – Electronic glue control
  • NC-positioning of height adjustment in the drilling and dowel insertion station (Z-axis)
  • Automatic detection of stock width
  • Bar code reader
  • Low voltage supply UPS
Sprint Base line 1
Drilling and dowel insertion station
Sprint Base line 2
Adjustable side and center fences can be positioned manually to three different heights
Sprint Base line 3
The center fence can be lowered manually to accommodate large workpieces

SPRINT pro.line

Enhanced for even more flexibility

This model in our pro.line product line combines high-end performance with versatility and flexibility. The special added features make this machine predestined for a wide array of tasks in the production process. The enhanced equipment allows you to optimize dedicated processes, opening up new opportunities for production.
Sprint Pro line
Additional features
The basic equipment is identical to the base.line version and includes the following additional features:

  • Max. workpiece width 1,600 mm
  • Horizontal drilling station with two individually controlled drilling spindles
  • Vertical drilling station from above with three individually controlled drilling spindles
  • ELC – Electronic glue control
  • Clamping system for solid wood parts
  • Stock clamping system for small parts
  • NC-positioning for X, Y and Z
  • Safety curtain with lamellas to protect against reaching into danger zone
  • Low voltage supply UPS

Optional features
In addition to the optional features in the base.line version:

  • Max. workpiece width 2,300 mm
  • Automatic detection of stock width
  • Bar code reader
Sprint Pro line 1
Sprint Pro line 2
Lowered side fence for doweled parts
Sprint Pro line 3
A safety curtain with transparent lamellas and a memory function protects against inadvertent entry into the danger zone
Sprint Pro line 4
Drilling and dowel insertion station

SPRINT select.line

A customized processing center for maximum productivity

In our select.line model, various working units can be confi gured in a variety of ways, providing the greatest number of possibilities to match SPRINT equipment to your individual needs. Whether used for inserting fi ttings, horizontal or vertical routing, grooving or processing at 45° or 90°, this customized processing center can be perfectly fi ne-tuned to suit any production process.
Sprint Select line
Variable solutions according to customer’s needs

  • Optional frame widths 700 / 1,300 / 1,800 / 2,500 / 3,000 mm
  • Horizontal drilling with variable number of individually controlled spindles
  • Vertical drilling with variable number of individually controlled spindles
  • Horizontal routing
  • Vertical routing
  • Profile trimming
  • Dowel insertion for varying lengths and diameters
  • Fitting insertion
  • Trimming, drilling and dowel insertion at 45° (miter joint processing)
  • Tiltable drilling and dowel insertion unit (0° and 45°)
  • Horizontal grooving
  • Vertical grooving
  • Sawing and trimming
Sprint Select line 1
Customized drilling station with seven vertical and ten horizontal drilling spindles
Sprint Select line 2
Automatic detection of stock width
Sprint Select line 3
Horizontal routing
Sprint Select line 4
Tiltable drilling and dowel insertion unit (0° and 45°)
Sprint Select line 5
Routing for French Cut frame joints
Sprint Select line 6
Horizontal routing is used to make mortise and tenon joints for cabinet door components
Sprint Select line 7
Trimming, drilling and dowel insertion at 45°

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