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Three Unit Boring Machine

Smart Liner HS-63T Series – Three-Unit Boring Machine
Single head boring unit
Single head boring unit with 21-spindles
Double head boring unit
Double head boring unit consists of 2×9 – spindle split type drill chuck turnable 90 degrees

SmartLinear MP HS-63T Series

Three Unit Boring Machine

  • Combines single horizontal and 2 or 3 vertical boring units for efficiency in drilling operations.
  • One horizontal boring unit with 21 spindles and height adjustment.
  • Two kinds of vertical boring heads are available; (A)Single head boring unit with 21 spindles & motor ; (B)Double head boring unit consists of 2×10-spindles and split type drill chuck turnable 90°
  • Double head unit the transverse displacement of the motors and the rotation of the split head are pneumatically locked by means of a selector which is situated in front of the boring unit.
  • The longitudinal displacement of the boring unit is obtained by linear guideway with electronic digital indicator and magnetic stop.
  • LCD readouts are provided for each vertical boring unit, providing accurate adjustment.
  • Speed stabilizer available, providing smooth feeding of the workpiece (OPTIONAL).
  • Air operated stoppers provide convenient repetitive drilling operations.
  • Quick release chucks provide convenient changing of boring bits. Standardly Fit with 1/3 pcs.
Linear Guideway
Linear Guideway
Adjustable stoppers (4pcs)
Adjustable stoppers (4pcs)
Speed Stabilizer Available (optional)
Speed Stabilizer Available (optional)
Horizontal Boring Unit and Speedstabilizer
Horizontal Boring Unit and Speedstabilizer
Combination example of vertical boring units
Combination example of vertical boring units
Distance between centers32 mm
No. of horizontal boring head spindles per head21
Motor of horizontal boring unit2.5 HP
Motor of single head vertical boring unit2 HP
Motor of double head vertical boring unit1.5 HP x 2
Spindles for single head vertical boring unit21
Spindles for double head vertical boring unit9 x 2
Min. distance between vertical boring heads1050 mm
Min. distance between vertical head96 mm
Max. distance between vertical head1050 mm
Spindle speed2700 rpm
Max. drilling stroke65 mm
N.W. / G.W.800 / 930 kgs

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