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Mesin Plywood

Distributor mesin-mesin plywood berteknologi canggih dari berbagai macam merk dari Taiwan & China. Dapatkan mesin pengolah plywood dari bahan awal sampai menjadi plywood dengan lebar & ketebalan yang Anda inginkan.

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Semua Mesin Plywood yang Tersedia

L-Type (Panel) Core Compressor

L-Type (Panel) Core Compressor

The L-Type Panel Core Composer is designed for assembling wood panels by aligning and bonding core pieces efficiently. Its L-shaped structure optimizes space and enhances productivity, creating strong, uniform panels by joining smaller wood segments, making it ideal for plywood and engineered wood manufacturing.

DD Saw and Sanding Combination Line

DD Saw and Sanding Combination Line

The DD saw and sanding combination line is a flow production line which put automatic longitudinal and transverse four edges trimming saw and sanding machine together

BSGQR Series – Wide Belt Sander

BSGQR Series – Wide Belt Sander

This wide belt sander is designed for sanding surface of plywood, film faced plywood, blockboard/core-board, particle board/shaving board, MDF/HDF, solid wood board, etc

BSGDR13 Wide Belt Sander

BSGDR13 Wide Belt Sander

This machine is mainly used for sanding the surface of plywood, block board, plastic board, decorative board, and so on

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