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ST-120A/B & ST-152A/B Single End Tenoner
Both top and bottom tenon heads can be individually or simultaneously vertically adjusted.
ECT-4 Series – Double-End Sizer – C Type
ECT-4 Series (4-Spindle Configuration) – Double-End Sizer – C Type dengan feed link chain, precision linear guideways, dan Sizing System
ECT-DS Series – Automatic Double-End Curved Profile Sander
ECT-DS Series, Feed Link-Chain, Equipped with needle bearings to increase wear-resistence. Choice of rubber or phenolic surfaces.
DE-NC600 – NC Type Dovetail Tenoner
Dilengkapi dengan high speed frequency spindle motor dan rpm up to >24.000. Maksimal lebar pemotongan up to 600mm.
FS-18 – Dowel Milling Machine
Cuts square stocks into round dowels within a diameter range of 6-18mm, and a minimum stock length of 220mm.
Dowel Cut And Chamfering Machine
Memotong dan memahat/menumpulkan dowel dengan cepat sampai dengan 36 potongan permenit.
Hollow Chisel Mortiser
Hollow Chisel Mortiser TC-104 Hollow Chisel Mortiser SCM-120 Pneumatic Hollow Chisel Mortiser Manual downfeed of mortising head. Manual clamp Manual Operated Downfeed Head An economical model. Head stroke is operated by a spring loaded hand lever to minimize fatique...
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