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Magnum – Automatic Spray Machine


Automatic Spray Machine

Quality: thanks to a special Superfici patent, the reciprocating movement of the first arm can be offset from the second in a measure that can be set and recalled from the recipe, obtaining and adjustment of the overlapping of the two arms, This is an extremely useful feature especially in the case of critical spraying, such as applications of water-based lacquer, metallized, or glass.

Ease: the system is integrated with an intuitive 3D graphics PC interface. The parameters, functions, and diagnostics can be remotely monitored via remote control. The software is able to manage automatic color changes up to 10 colors and can set all the parameters necessary for the specific painting operations

Cleaning: this machine can be supplied with dry filtering with a double layer of filtering material and totaly removable filtering boxes from the two sides of the machine. As an option, it is possible to have the patented automatic filter exchange system, FILTER ON DEMAND, which allows the dry filters to be automatically replaced when they are clogged. Alternatively, a water filtration system can be integrated which is strongly recommended for high quality finishes.

Flexibility: the ability to equip with multiple lacquer reclaiming system and carpet cleaning units in the machine allows and instantaneous change of lacquers. Thanks to the presence of additional groups, the cleaning of the reclaiming units can be completed during the production cycle to avoid line stops

Specification Magnum Automatic Spraying Machine
Spraying Machine Magnum
ModelMod. 2.1Mod. 2.2Mod. 2.3Mod. 3.1Mod. 3.2Mod. 3.3Mod. 4.1Mod. 4.2Mod. 4.3
Working width1350 mm1350 mm1350 mm1350 mm1350 mm1350 mm1350 mm1350 mm1350 mm
Cabin length2000 mm2000 mm2000 mm3000 mm3000 mm3000 mm4000 mm4000 mm4000 mm
Machine length4950 mm5680 mm6450 mm5950 mm6680 mm7450 mm6950 mm7680 mm8450 mm
No. of reclaming1 unitup to 2 unitsup to 3 units1 unitup to 1 unitsup to 3 units1 unitup to 2 unitsup to 3 units

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