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Two Units Boring Machine

HS-27T2 - Two Units Boring Machine


Two Units Boring Machine

  • The machine combines horizontal and vertical boring function in one unit. It can be set for vertical boring operation to meet various sizes of boring. 
  • The horizontal boring unit can be tilted manually for angular drilling.
  • The vertical boring unit can be adjusted in forward/backward, upward/downward direction. 
  • Entire boring cycle can be fast and conveniently accomplished by pressing on the foot switch.
  • Two fences provides convenient positioning of the workpiece.
  • Quickly chucks provide confide convenient fitting and dismantling for boring bits. Standardly attached with 1/3 pcs.
Convenient change of drill bit
Specially designed with a dovetailed sleeve between the drill bit and the transmission rod. It provides fast drill bit change by simply press it and draw upward for fast installing or dismentling the drill bit without assistance of any tool. You get time saving and efficient operation.
Feature 1
Feature 2
Feature 3
Feature 4
Max. distance between center32 mm
Number of spindle per boring head27 + 27
Max. drilling depth75 mm
Boring head adjustment0° ~ 90°
Table size1070 x 490 mm
Spindle speed2800 rpm
Motor2.5 HP x 2
N.W. / G.W.400 / 480 / 550 / 650 kgs
Machine size1220 x 820 x 1370 mm

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