Woodworking Carbide Tipe Tool Grinder Series delivers excellence in precision and efficiency, perfect for sharpening carbide tools with maximum results.
BS-280 Series – Carbide Circular Saw Blade Grinder
BS-280 Series Grinder offers optimal precision for sharpening carbide saw blades. Ideal for woodworking needs, delivering sharp and consistent results.
Heavy Duty Straight Knife Grinder
Designed for industrial applications, this straight knife grinder provides high-precision sharpening with exceptional durability and ease of operation.
BS-800 Universal Woodworking Grinders
The BS-800 is designed to meet woodworking needs with high precision, flexibility, and durability, making it an ideal choice for a variety of wood applications.
BS-777 – Radial Arm Saw
BS-777 Radial Arm Saw offers high precision for diverse angle cuts. Sturdy and flexible design to cater to professional woodworking needs.