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3D Finishing Lines

3D Finishing Lines
3D Finishing Lines 1
All what cannot be lacquered horizontally (such as panels or profiles), is considered to be a 3D element to be treated on 3D lines. 3D finishing lines are normally engineered and built according to specific customers’ needs. In order to be able to propose the most suitable solution, it is therefore important to have clear information about type of pieces and quantities that need to be lacquered, available space, types of lacquers to be used and all further necessary details. 3D lines include manual lacquering systems or robotic lacquering systems. They are typically composed of:

  • Pressurized rooms
  • Work-pieces automatic conveying systems
  • Spraying cabins with operator, automatic reciprocators or robots

Main application fields refer to the lacquering of doors, window frames, chairs, coffins, tables, skis, lathed elements, assembled drawers, frames, assembled furniture, beds.

Pressurized Spraying Rooms In order to maintain the finishing area healthy, it is necessary to exhaust the contaminated air through ventilators. Exhausting air from the lacquering area sucks intothe spraying and drying cabins air coming from other rooms, which might be contaminated with dust. To avoid this, fresah air needs to be brought in, this air must be filtered, heated and have controlled physical features. The freash air inlet volume must be higher than the exhausted air volume. In this way a pressurisation of finishing rooms is achieved, thus avoiding dust from coming in dan contaminating the lacquered pieces.

Finishing Lines With Automatic Work-piece Conveying Systems

Any work-piece, which needs lacquering, manually or automatically, needs a proper conveying system, which is engineered according to the size, the weight, the shape of the pieces and the requested production capacity. The conveying system takes pieces from out-side the plant and conveys them into
the spraying area, then in the drying area and finally in the unloading zone. Automatic conveying systems achieve in this way : consistency in the production capacity, working hours reduction, higher finishing quality, lower environmental impact.
Finishing Lines With Automatic Work-piece Conveying Systems 1
Finishing Lines With Automatic Work-piece Conveying Systems 2
Finishing Lines With Automatic Work-piece Conveying Systems 3
Finishing Lines With Automatic Work-piece Conveying Systems 4

Manual or Robotic Spraying Arms

  • Lacquer application is the most delicate phase in a finishing line.
  • The air exhaust and its air filtration system should comply with the all norms in force in terms of health for the operators, air pollution inside and outside the building and it should at the same time guarantee the consistency in the application quality
  • The spraying can be performed manually by operator or by automatic reciprocators, cartesian or anthropomorphic robots according to the types of pieces to be treated, the requested production capacity and the available investment budget
3D Finishing Lines 1
3D Finishing Lines 2
3D Finishing Lines 3
3D Finishing Lines 4

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